German Coach: Iran Will Reach World Cup - Easily!

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Celebrated German soccer coach Erich Rutemoller says Iran's national soccer team can easily qualify for 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

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Rutemöller says Iran will qualify for World Cup

German coach Erich Rutemöller has told Iran that the national team will qualify for the 2010 World Cup.

The former FC Koln and Hansa Rostock boss is in Tehran coaching local coaches andt told local fans that finishing in the top two of a group containing South and North Korea, Saudi Arabia and the UAE is well within Team Melli’s capabilities.

"Iran is in a tough group but can easily qualify for the 2010 World Cup because of the high potential of its players," Fars news agency quoted Rutemoller as saying.

"Iranian coaches are very experienced and are as good as their Japanese and Korean counterparts, perhaps even better," he added.

Iran has appeared at three World Cups until now in 1978, 1998 and 2006.

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